Sunday, January 18, 2009

Leila has gotten so big over the past couple of months. She keeps me busy so I haven't been online much to update the blog. I am very sorry. She is now crawling like a pro. She is also pulling up on everything and started to walk around things. UGH! You cannot take your eyes off her for a minute. :) She is also starting to talk a lot more. She is saying Mamma, Dadda, and Nanna (in place of no) Here are some pictures from the last weeks weeks. They go recent to oldest.

Wild hair after her bath

Being Silly

Making a mess in her room

Very first time eating spaghetti

Very first time eating homemade whipped cream

Opening presents Christmas morning.
She's testing out her new ride. :)

Giving Grandma Looten big hugs. She was telling us something when the pic was taken

Helping Grandma Looten open her present from us


Opening presents with Daddy