Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Today I went in for my weekly OB visit. When the doctor checked me it turns out Leila has turned head down-YAY!!!!! The doctor was laughing at me because I was extremely shocked and excited. She then checked my cervix and said I was 1 cm and 70% effaced. She then told me it could be anytime now. She said when she checked me, she could feel Leila's head. SO COOL! She said walking would help me dilate more... so I'm going to try that tomorrow. Luke's making me dinner tonight so I'll be glad to take it easy. I've been having contractions most of the day but nothing consistent. You never know, we may have Leila by next week. I will keep you all posted and let you know when we head to the hospital. We are all very excited and can't wait to meet her. The OB said she looked great and was big enough to come now. So, when she starts to come, it's the real deal this time.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sorry I haven't been on here and updating everyone about what's going on...

This week I made another trip to labor and delivery. I was spotting a little Monday night around 11ish. I called Tuesday morning and they wanted me to come in and get checked out. I met mom at the hospital and we went up together. They hooked me up to monitors and left us in the room for close to two hours. When the nurse finally came back, she said I was having consistent contractions and that they were calling my OB to find out what she wanted them to do. So, she left the room and we waited some more. Turns out the OB thought it was too early for her to come (I was 35 weeks at the time) So, they gave me a shot to stop labor. The shot hurt... hurt REALLY bad. haha. It also made me have the shakes. My hands, eyes, and body were shaking from it.

Ever since they've stopped labor, I've been having a lot of contractions and pressure down low. I'm not sure if Leila will make it until the end. I've had a few contractions that have even made me throw up. Therefore, I am DONE being pregnant. haha. I start my weekly OB visits on Tuesday. Hopefully, I will get some answers on what's going on.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

34 Week OB Appointment

This morning I went into the OB. Everything looks good and is right on schedule. She is growing perfectly. :) As all of you know, I was hoping she'd come a couple weeks early. Turns out she's still not head down and doesn't look like she'll head that way anytime soon. The doctor checked her and she's sideways, AGAIN! So, she said most doctors turn the babies at 36 weeks but she's going to wait until the very end so she doesn't turn back. She also said that babies that are not head down tend to go all the way up to 39-40 weeks. Darn!!!! So, she said we can try to turn her later on or just schedule a c-section. She said it's up to me and what I would prefer. So, it looks like I'm going to be pregnant for the entire next 6 weeks.
The doctor also gave me a prescription to take everyday to help with the acid reflex. When they took my blood pressure today it was a bit high but I think it was because I was up all night sick again.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Nursery Pics

Her bed is all ready for her

Her new swing, yay!
P.S. Max is sitting behind it
The bouncy seat with all her blankets stacked in it

The corner the changing table will go in....
As you can see we still need it

Some of her toys stacked up in the closet

Here's some of her clothes...
there's more down both sides that you can't see

Her shoes and knick-knacks

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

For weeks now I've bee trying to video tape Leila kicking. Every time I'd try, she'd stop or just stick up her butt. Hehe. Today I finally got her on camera. I am so excited!! Sorry the video isn't very long but the battery was dying. Also, excuse the TV playing in the background. I hope you all enjoy the video as much as I do.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Yesterday I had another baby shower. Here are a few pictures of the day

Don't I look huge?!?!?

Rita bought these to hang up in her room

Aw, Grandma and Grandpa bibs.

Does anyone else think I look tired? Geesh

I look so excited!

Bending over is getting harder and harder