Sunday, October 26, 2008

Today (on our one year wedding anniversary) we went and had our first family pictures taken by Swift Shots, the photographer that did our engagement and wedding pictures. Here is a preview of some of the pictures. Over 200 were taken so there is a LOT more to come!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

6 Month Check-Up

Yesterday, I took Leila in for her 6 month doctor's appointment. She was such a good girl. She was playing when Dr. Fusselman came in... When she made eye contact she starting smiling and jumping up and down. Little did she know we were there to get shots.
Dr Fusselman looked her over and said she looked wonderful. After looking her over and watching her, he said she was three month advance for her age. I was very surprised but very proud. He joked with me and asked if she was nine months and if I had just forgotten when she was born. Haha. He said she will probably walk early. So, I guess we'll be having to buy baby gates before too long. He also questioned me about her eating habits. For all of you that have been around Leila... she never stops moving. She's always looking or reaching for something. He said she's such a big eater because she's burning off a lot of calories. The shocked of it all was that he told me to go ahead and start table food. I couldn't believe it. He said to start her on mashed potatoes, mashed peas, mashed carrots, mashed chicken, ect. Luke and I are going to hold off on giving her meat from the table. But, we are going to try some of the things that will be easy to go down.
Last night, Luke fed Leila her dinner.She had mixed veggies (which looks SO gross) and strawberry,banana, apple. That has been the first time he's done it in months. I sat by him and laughed most of the time. Leila had it ALL over her. I told Luke he needed to do it more for the practice. She was after the food and was cracking us up. Leila was also trying to get the spoon and feed herself. What a goober! Well just a little update for everyone. I'm trying to get on here more.
Here are her stats for 6 months:
Weight: 15.12 lbs (50th percentile)
Length: 26.5 inches (80th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.93 inches